You can always tell a Queen
By her shoes.
Whether made of sack
Cloth and ashes, as they say, or turtle
Skin (totally illegal) she wears them the same way. Shorts
Are out of the question here, and no picture,
Please. I once took a picture
Of the Queen.
I was wearing shorts
But she wasn't (thank goodness). But her shoes,
Of course, were amazing. Her train moved slowly, like a turtle,
Or someone in a sack
Race. Afterwards, my dad got the sack,
Because I had taken that picture.
Even though they moved slow as a turtle,
It seems the Queen
Didn't like people photographing her shoes,
Especially if they're wearing shorts
When they do. There's a shorts
Program at the cinema tonight. Just throw on any old sack -
No-one will notice. And your shoes
Won't be in the picture.
It's not like you're the Queen
Or anything. Leave the turtle
Home though. I don't think a turtle
Has any interest in shorts.
I'll be the Queen
Of this party. Bring a sack
To the picture
Show so I can put my shoes
In it. Why are cute shoes
Always painful? They make me walk slow as a turtle.
Each step hurts. Don't take my picture,
And certainly don't show me in shorts -
No thigh gap there! My body's like a sack.
And to think I used to be Queen.
Shoes and shorts
Are all the rage now, but I'm shaped like a turtle or a sack.
Not worthy of a picture or a visit with the Queen.
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