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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day Seventy-nine

Today's words:

The bell
Rang to change classes. I pushed the button
On my computer and sucked on the straw
Of my soda to finish it. Off to gym
Class. And then math. I've got my calculator.
Can't wait for tonight's dance.

And when Robby comes to pick me up for the dance,
My mom will answer the doorbell.
It doesn't take a calculator
To know which button
To push there. Later, in the gym,
We'll sip punch through a straw.

Looks like I drew the short straw
Here. There'll be no dance
For me. A sprained ankle in gym
Today will keep me away. When I heard the bell
Ring I jumped up but didn't land on the button.
Guess my mental calculator

Wasn't quite working. Robby's calculator
Was working, however. He drew a long straw.
When he saw me fall, he pulled out his phone and pushed the button.
He was still going to that dance,
Just not with me. He thought he'd been saved by the bell.
He didn't know what was going to happen in that gym.

When the smoke started to fill the gym.
One of the teachers tried to use a calculator
To figure out what to do. Then the fire alarm bell
Went off and a bale of straw
That had been a decoration caught fire. The dance
Turned to panic. People pounded on the exit button

To get out, but the doors were locked. The button
Was stuck. The gym
Became a pyre for the dance
Attendees. I totaled the damages on my calculator.
The building went up like straw.
And the alarm bell

Was too late. I pushed the equal button on my calculator,
Glad I hadn't made it to the gym, glad I'd drawn the short straw
And missed the dance. In a way, I was saved by the bell.

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