It takes a lot of class
To properly handle a dragon.
Trust me, I know. It doesn't come with a card
Of instructions, and its temper is like a volcano.
You can't tie
It up and walk away. You're like the coach
Of a very unwilling player. You've got to coach
It in going to class.
In the beginning I'll sometimes tie
Myself to the dragon,
All the while looking out for the volcano.
You can't card
It for misbehaving. I'm a card-
Carrying coach,
Living in the shadow of the volcano,
Teaching a class
Called "How to Train Your Dragon."
I'm going to take off my tie.
You don't need to wear a tie,
But you do need a card
Certifying that you are the legitimate owner of the dragon.
I'm a good coach,
With a lot of patience in class,
But just wait for the field trip to the volcano.
When we go out to the volcano
I recommend everyone tie
Themselves together in class
Beforehand, with each person's card
In plain sight. I can coach
You on how to guide the dragon
There, but a dragon
Will often react strongly to a volcano.
It's kind of unpredictable. A coach
Can only gve suggestions. That's why I say to tie
Yourselves together and keep your card
Handy. After that trip class
Is dismissed. You're a Certified Dragon Handler. I'll go tie
The gate closed as we leave the volcano behind. Here's your new card,
Signed by the coach, stating you've completed the class.
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