Today's words:
"What's your spirit
Animal?" she asked, casually jumping the turnstile to beat the fare.
I let out a sneeze.
"I dunno, a wolf?" A guy on the platform was fiddling with his amplifier,
Before taking a swing
At his guitar. A junkie perched on a ladder,
Observing the scene. He slid down off the ladder
And approached the guitarist with some spirit
(For a junkie). He tried to take a swing
At the guitarist, but knocked into a "Pay Your Fare"
Poster to the side of the amplifier.
And then he let out an enormous sneeze.
But it wasn't a sneeze;
He puked instead and returned to his ladder.
Meanwhile, the amplifier
Seemed possessed by a spirit,
Spitting out all kinds of feedback. "Pay Your Fare,"
The guitarist sang, "Or you'll swing
"From the scaffold." I went to a particular swing
Club in Paris. Les Chandelles. Don't sneeze
Or you might miss it. One fare
On the Metro. Climb the ladder
Down to the dungeon. Show some spirit,
But not too close to the amplifier.
Because who needs an amplifier
At a swing
Club? That's the spirit!
They say a woman's orgasm is like a sneeze -
Sometimes you get there and sometimes not. Like a ladder
To a goal. Now pay your fare
And get in line. Only those who've paid their fare
Will get next to the amplifier.
I'll climb the ladder
To the magic swing
And work on my sneeze,
If you know what I mean. In spirit,
I'm still beating the fare, even though I swing
Both ways now, with the amplifier broadcasting my sneeze,
As I climb the ladder to the spirit.
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