Today's words:
Another blind date - this time dinner
At an Indian
Restaurant. Fine by me - I like the food. The guy, however, is a joke.
Definitely not my type. I stare at my lap
To keep from having to look at him. I'd like to feel some passion
One day. "So are you an immigrant?"
He asks. An immigrant?
Really? I want to leave this dinner
Now, but I control my passion
And stay. "Well, unless you're an 'American Indian'
"In this country we all are," I say into my lap.
How much longer will this joke
Go on? This joke
That isn't even funny. "Oh, I get it, so I'm an immigrant
"Too," he chuckles. He's dropped food into his lap.
I have no appetite for the rest of my dinner,
But am thinking about dessert. Some Indian
Restaurants I've been to have passion
Fruit sorbet. "Oh, so you like PASSION
Fruit," he makes a joke
Of it. No, to him I'm just another Indian
Lucky to be out to dinner
With a successful creature like him, with food in his lap.
"Come here," he pats his lap,
"I can show you some passion."
I think I'm about to lose my dinner.
Now that would be a great punch line to this joke.
"The immigrant
"Barfed all over me in the Indian
"Restaurant. But she's Indian -
"I thought she'd like the food. Instead she puked in my lap.
"Shows you can't trust an immigrant.
"I'll never understand their passion.
"They sure can't take a joke.
"That's the last time I take one out to dinner."
The next night I went alone to the Indian restaurant and had a passion
Fruit sorbet. I didn't need to stare into my lap, or laugh at a bad joke.
Yes, the immigrant finally had a decent dinner.
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