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Friday, March 7, 2014

Day Four

Today's words:

The moon was a fat yellow pumpkin.
I lay back on the pillow
While you held the cat in your lap.
"Hs head smells like algae,"
You sniffed, "And this room feels haunted by the ghost
"Of parties past. Time for more supplies."

I know how hate supplies
Love; I didn't just crawl out of the pumpkin
Patch. My mother's ghost
Won't haunt me, however much I clutch my pillow.
Instead, all I get is algae
Covering the walls, while no-one sits in my lap.

"Ha!" you scoff, "Take a victory lap
"Around this wretched room! Our supplies
"Are dangerously low. Soon we'll be eating algae
"Or that rotted Hallowe'en pumpkin
"You refuse to throw out." I cover my ears with the pillow
So your screaming just sounds like a ghost.

When I die I'll be a ghost
And I'll sit in your lap
Although you won't see me. I'll have the weight of a pillow.
I won't need any supplies;
I'll be self-sufficient.  I'll call you my little pumpkin,
But you won't hear me, and I'll eat all the algae.

Just like a fish tank besmirched with algae
This room is but a ghost
Of its former state. Like a hollowed-out pumpkin
Left in a skeleton's lap,
It risks collapse without supplies
To pump it up, like maybe a pillow.

All I need is a pillow
For my head. The rest is algae - 
Unnecessary, even choking off our supplies
Of air and light. The past is a ghost
I hold in my lap
And you're hardly a pie, my pumpkin.

I thought the pillow was a ghost
But I mistook the algae in your lap
For the love that supplies the growing pumpkin.

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