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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day Three

Today's words:

"It's cute as a button,"
I thought, and wrote the cliché in ink
In my new notebook. I didn't even have the energy
To shoehorn
Myself next to the anchor
Before shutting down the tablet.

The next day I looked at the tablet -
A blank screen.  I pushed the button
To make it start up. The home screen was an anchor,
Unmoving.  Far easier to use ink
And paper, just like a shoehorn
Lets you slip on those heels without too much energy.

As beings, we run on energy.
So does the tablet.
But the shoehorn
Is inanimate, like a button.
And the flood of ink
We release on paper serves as our anchor.

In these times we need an anchor
To keep us from wasting our energy
And spilling our ink,
While thinking that one more tablet
Will push that button
And wedge us into society, like a shoehorn.

But just like a shoehorn
Puts us into too-tight shoes, so conformity is an anchor.
And the temptation to push that button
That says, "Do Not Touch," drains us of energy.
Just stare at your tablet,
But write down your dreams in ink.

And when the ink
Has dried and you've used the shoehorn
To slip on those pumps, pick up the tablet
But throw the anchor
Overboard.  Sit still and conserve your energy.
When you're ready to go again just press the button.

And as the boat leaves, spewing a trail of ink, the anchor
Remains on the sea floor, like a shoehorn, its energy
Dissolving like a tablet and insignificant as a button.

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