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Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 119

Today's words:


"That girl's style was off the chain!
"I mean it was crispy!
"She must have been a graduate
"Of the pocket
"Academy, and she doesn't need a pencil."
Said my teenage nephew. I might as well just stare at my navel;

I have no idea what he meant. My navel
Would tell me more.  Off what chain?
And why no pencil?
And was crispy
A good thing? No idea about the pocket
Academy.  Mind you, I'm a college graduate

And more - did graduate
School too. And my fair share of navel
Gazing. I guess I'm old, like a vest pocket
With a watch on a chain.
"But that's totally crispy!"
He exclaimed, as I took out my pencil

To write down these strange words.  It was a pencil
I'd had since graduate
School days, the mechanical kind.  The only crispy
Thing I knew was bacon, which was good with a navel
Orange. My son kept his wallet on a chain
And in his back pocket.

So no-one was going to pickpocket
Him. He didn't use a pencil
To do the crossword; he used a pen. He didn't shop at chain
Stores and considered himself a graduate
Of the locavore school, which meant he'd never eat a navel
Orange. Was his style crispy

Too?  "Not crispy,"
Pronounced my nephew, "Just another pocket
"Hipster, contemplating his navel.
"He's wrong to eschew the pencil,
"Though. Any hipster graduate
"Can tell you they're more authentic. He should lose the wallet chain.

"So not crispy."  I put the pencil
Bank in my pocket. I give up - I'll never graduate
From the school of navel gazing, on or off the chain.

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