I can't help
It; I put mustard
On everything. It started when I was at university.
We'd hang out in a pub near the west gate
And sometimes picnic in the meadow
Down the lane.
Once, walking down the lane,
I can upon a man asking for help.
He said he'd been picnicking in the meadow
And had left his mustard
Behind. He asked me to go back on campus through the gate
And bring him a jar from the university.
The university
Was at the other end of the lane
And you had to pass through the gate
To enter. It was off-limits to outsiders; that's why he needed my help.
But I couldn't understand why he just didn't go back to get his mustard
From the meadow
If he'd left it there. I guess he felt the meadow
Was farther away than the university
At that point so he hoped to get a new jar of mustard
From someone he met in the lane
Who would help
Him by going through the gate
To get it. But I wasn't heading for the gate.
I was going towards the meadow.
In order to help
Him I'd have to go back to the university
And go the other way down the lane.
And all for a jar of mustard.
But the pub had mustard
And was right outside the gate
Just a short distance down the lane.
Rather than go back to the meadow
Or oblige me to go back to the university
I advised him to go there for help.
It was hardly my fault he'd left his mustard in the meadow.
I wasn't going back through the gate and into the university.
So I left him there in the lane. He'd have to ask someone else for help.
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