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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Day Five

Today's words:

Thwack! The arrow
Hit the center of the target. The Queen's architect
Smiled, remembering himself as an immigrant
Just a few years ago. Truly a wretched creature
Then, who would have thought that today he'd be eating
Pomegranates with royaly in this earthly paradise?

Although his life was far from the paradise
He'd imagined as he used his skills with the arrow
For more mundane purposes, like eating.
But his ambition was an architect,
Telling him he was more than a poor creature
And filthy immigrant.

That's how some still called him at Court - the Immigrant,
Although never in front of the Queen. She truly lived in paradise
Knowing that every creature
In the land blessed her daily, lest an arrow
Transform itself into an architect
Of death, its steely head eating

Any possible disloyalty, eating
Even any doubt that a poor immigrant
Might feel. The Queen's architect
Knew better. He wasn't going to fall from paradise
Even as he let fly another arrow
Taking down one more innocent creature.

By now he was far too used to creature
Comforts, to eating
Delicate meats, brought down with the arrow
Of one or another of the itinerant immigrant
Hunters who came to this paradise
To get a glimpse of the Royal architect.

"Did you see him?" they'd ask, "The architect?
"They say he was once a miserable creature
"Like us, but now he lives in the paradise
"Of the Queen's favor, even eating
"His meals in her company. Proof that an immigrant
"Can pierce a Royal heart with his arrow."

And as evening fell, the architect and the Queen, eating
The flesh of a just-slain creature, failed to see the immigrant
Sneaking into paradise, drawing back his arrow.

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