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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Day Eighty-nine

Today's words:

I grabbed a jug
Of ale. If drink is a vice
Then I am guilty. I'm sure that's no bomb-
Shell. Are you having the scallop
Chowder or some other fare?
I'm leaving - wave

Goodbye. Or wave
Down the bartender and get another jug
Of ale. The fare
Tonight is pretty good, even if gluttony is a vice.
However, that scallop
Pie is now a bomb

In my stomach. When the bomb
Went off, the shock wave
From the blast blew the scallop
Tank into the next room. And the jug
Of ale shattered.  The vice
Squad was late. Perhaps they hadn't paid their fare.

How dd you fare
After the bomb
Blast? Did the vice
Squad wave
You down? Did you take the jug
With you? And what about the scallop

Pie? Scallop
Gratin is on today's bill of fare.
That and a jug
Of ale will do nicely. Just call in a bomb
Threat if you don't want to go. I'll wave
A white flag. Cowardice may be a vice

But it's my vice.
I found a scallop
Shell washed up by a wave
And tried to use it to pay my fare.
I might as well have planted a bomb.
They acted like I'd stolen a jug

Of their finest liquor, or accused them of another vice. It's only a fare.
And it was a scallop shell, not a bomb.
I'll wave goodbye as I walk off with the jug.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Day Eighty-eight

Today's words:

Years of doing laundry
Have left a scar.
It's not just the pants
Stained with hamburger
Grease. It's a lower grade
Overall and time for a trade.

I'd trade
A lot to get out of doing laundry.
It's like a below-grade
Caused by a hamburger
Grease burn through a pair of pants.

And now I'm flying by the seat of my pants.
I'll trade
You a hamburger
If you do the laundry.
It left a scar
When I didn't get the grade.

I once got a failing grade
In school for wearing pants.
My years there have left such a scar.
I'd gladly trade
My laundry
For your hamburger.

A hamburger
Can't be used to make a grade.
If you're going to do laundry
Please take my pants
With you. I'll trade
You for that scar.

The scar
On my arm is caused by hamburger
Grease. If you won't trade
For a better grade
I'll take these pants
To the laundry.

The scar left by a poor grade
Can't be removed by a hamburger or a new pair of pants,
But you can trade it for the laundry.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day Eighty-seven

Today's words:
Old man

The butter
Glistened like oil on the muscle.
As the hail
Pelted down the old man
Peered around the curtain
And drew the blanket

Around his shoulders but the blanket
Slid to the floor and pooled like melted butter.
Behind the curtain,
Flexing a muscle,
The old man
Stared out at the hail.

As the hail
Rained down, under the blanket
The old man
Rubbed butter
On his sore muscle
As he peered through the curtain.

On the other side of the curtain
The hail
Let up. His muscle
Still sore, he drew the blanket
Tighter and rubbed more butter.
This being an old man

Stuff sucks. Being an old man
Was never his idea. He drew the curtain
And put away the butter
As the hail
Melted outside. He clutched the blanket
And rubbed his muscle.

That sore muscle
Reminded him he was an old man
Wrapped in a blanket.
On the other side of the curtain
The hail
Melted and was the color of butter.

He used his muscle to push back the curtain,
Just an old man looking out at hail,
Wrapped in a blanket and slathered in butter.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day Eighty-six

Today's words:

I waited in the meadow
While you paid a bribe
To the doctor at the hospital.
You wanted him to tell the teacher
She had to stay so she couldn't give the computer
Science final, but he had another verb

In mind, a verb 
That would chase me down in the meadow.
Who cares about a stupid computer
Test enough to try to bribe
A doctor to lie to a teacher
In the hospital

Where he works? To lie in a hospital?
I guess that verb
Fits as well as any, and the teacher
Isn't any the wiser. Meanwhile, in the meadow
I'm worrying about your bribe.
Somehow the computer

Is sure to catch on. The computer
Will know what's going on at the hospital.
It won't accept a bribe.
That's one verb
Not in its vocabulary. So I stay in the meadow
And wait for the teacher.

Why am I waiting for the teacher?
Will the computer
Sound the alarm? Coming straight to the meadow
From the hospital,
Alerted by the verb
To bribe.

To bribe
A teacher
Is wrong, that verb
Doesn't work there. The computer
Alerted the hospital
To what was up, so they've come to the meadow.

You can't bribe a computer
To keep the teacher in the hospital.
That's not the right verb in this meadow.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day Eighty-five

Today's words:

The arrow
Split the lentil.
That's how good a shot he was. I tied on a bib
While you played the harp
And he went down to the farm
To get the soup

For dinner. He came back with the soup
And a bow and arrow
Over his shoulder. He'd brought them from the farm
As well. The lentil
Was shattered on the ground as you strummed your harp.
He tied on a bib

And you put on your bib
As he served out the soup.
The harp
Lay discarded with the bow and arrow.
"And now," he said, "it's time for lentil
"Milling down on the farm"

Down on the farm,
Protected by a bib,
He began the lentil
Milling. I gathered up the soup
Bowls, the bow and arrow,
And the harp.

You picked up the harp
When I got to the farm
With it, and he the bow and arrow.
I tore off my bib
And washed out the soup
Tureen, throwing a stray lentil

To the ground, a lentil
That had gone unbeaten. You strummed the harp
As I washed the soup
Dishes there on the farm.
Then I folded my bib
And placed it under an arrow.

I miss lentil milling on the farm
Accompanied by the harp. I'd wear a bib
For protection and then we'd make soup stirred with an arrow.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Day Eighty-four

Today's words:

The men descended into the cave
To begin the survey.
I watched them, swallowing a pill,
As I sat at the window.
Next month I'd start graduate
School, so I was trying to stay calm.

The men seemed very calm
As they entered the cave.
The graduate
School survey
I'd taken did leave me a window
Of time to get my papers in. It was still a pill.

I'm trying not to be a pill
And to stay calm
Here at the window
But the cave
Scares me and I worry about the men doing the survey.
I know the leader is a graduate

Of a very prestigious school, one that I someday hope to graduate
From.  But for now I'd need to take a tranquilizing pill
To enable me to go down there for the survey.
There's no other way I could stay calm
In a cave,
Which is why I'm staying here at the window.

I opened the window
And called to the graduate
Leader. "Be careful in that cave,"
I called, "Do you need a pill
"To help stay calm?"
He shook his head and went on the with the survey.

And now the results of the survey
Are in. I read them, perched at the window.
I'm very calm
And ready to start graduate
School. I'll just take one more pill
And have a peek in that cave.

The survey done by the graduate
Scholars was very thorough. I closed the window, swallowed the pill,
And went into the calm of the cave.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Day Eighty-three

Today's words:

The sky was the color of lead
And there was a tornado
Alert. My hair was still in curlers
And I was slicing a cucumber
But when the alert sounded I ran out past the copier
Knowing we'd have to postpone the exam.

Remember the exam
That you filled out with a number two lead
Pencil? I don't think they do that any more, and it's a copier,
Not a mimeograph machine. Yes, I'm old. The tornado
Watch was cancelled, thankfully, and I went back to the cucumber
And took my hair out of the curlers.

At beauty school, correct rolling of curlers
Was part of the final exam.
I finished making the cucumber
Salad while you lead
Everyone out of the cellar where they'd been hiding from the tornado.
Then you went over to the copier

To run off papers. But the copier
Needed toner. I put away the curlers
And then the tornado
Alarm sounded again. I guess an exam
Of the data revealed there was still a risk, so you lead
Everyone back down. I brought the cucumber

Salad this time. We ate the cucumber salad
While you looked for toner for the copier.
There was a lady with a little dog on a lead
And another woman with her hair in curlers.
I don't think they'd all come for the exam
But they happened to be in the office when the tornado

Warning sounded. It seemed like the tornado
Had passed us. The cellar smelled like cucumber.
We went back up and began to prepare for the exam.
You put the toner in the copier.
The lady in curlers
Walked out with the woman and her dog on a lead.

Two tornado warnings in an hour. The copier
Was working now and the cucumber and curlers
Were put away. The exam could begin but the sky still looked like lead.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day Eighty-two

Today's words:

Wow! I stood in the gallery
Feeling like a refugee
Watching a boy flying a kite.
I still felt the spark
From your kiss
Like a generator.

And like a generator
I needed a gallery
In order to feel your kiss.
I'm not a refugee
And there is no spark
But do let me fly a kite.

And like a kite
I need a generator
To create a spark
And to keep me from the gallery.
I'm not a refugee.
Just let me feel your kiss.

Me. And then let's go fly a kite.
I'm no refugee
And no generator
Is needed in the gallery
To set off a spark.

And like a spark
A kiss
Can be hung in a gallery
It doesn't need a kite
Or a generator.
But you go ahead and live like a refugee.

I'm just a refugee
Fleeing the spark
Of the generator
That is your kiss.
I saw a kite
Yesterday, above the gallery.

How many times do I have to be a refugee from a kiss?
Just like a spark can ignite a kite
A generator can blow up an entire gallery.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Day Eighty-one

Today's words:

I shivered on the blanket
Feeling a sense of decay.
All I'd wanted was to go out to the meadow
For a simple picnic
But your coldness threw up a barrier
Between us as real as the Great Wall of China.

I'd set out my mother's china
On the blanket
Hoping to create a porcelain barrier
Against the inevitable decay
To which all life is subject, so we could enjoy a picnic
In this sunny meadow.

At first it was lovely in the meadow,
Eating off of china
Plates and enjoying our picnic
With everything spread out on the blanket.
But then your thoughts turned to the decay
Of our relationship, erecting an invisible barrier

Between us, a barrier
No-one else in the meadow
Could see. But there was no escaping that decay,
Not even if I dug all the way to China.
Might as well lie back on the blanket
And pretend to be enjoying the picnic.

The picnic
Was my idea; I'd hoped it would break down the barrier
Between us. But now, lying miserably on the blanket
In this sunny meadow, 
I saw it had been a mistake. You might as well have been in China,
You were so far away, and I could almost smell the decay

Around us, a decay
Not even a springtime picnic
And my mother's china
Could hold back. No barrier
Could separate it from us, here in the meadow
On a blanket.

Decay erects a barrier
Between the living and the dead. Life's no picnic in a meadow
But it's better than the alternative, even with china and a blanket.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day Eighty

Today's words:

The sky was the color of clay.
There was a frost
Predicted, and the perfume
In the air smelled like honey.
No doubt about it, Fall
Was coming. I could feel it in my toes.

My toes
Were chilled, and the clay-
Colored sky almost looked as if it might fall.
"Let's get in before the frost,"
I suggested, "And have some tea with honey.
"The perfume

Alone will be relaxing." As I inhaled that honeyed perfume
I felt warmth spreading down to my toes.
"Did you check on the chickens, honey?"
I asked. "We want to be sure there's enough clay
"In their yard to offset the frost.
"I'm not losing any this Fall."

Because Fall,
Even if it does have a nice perfume
Can be deadly. A sudden frost
Can kill off chickens and leave your toes
Digging into the clay.
Never mind the smell of honey

In the air. "Are you all right, honey?"
I called, just as I saw you start to fall,
Hands grasping at the clay-
Laden ground. The smell of perfume
Suddenly dissipated and my toes
Curled, like in response to a killing frost.

And just as the frost
Crystallizes the rest of the honey,
So I felt my toes
Throb as I watched you fall,
Through the perfume
And onto the clay.

Frost on the ground can cause a fall,
Just as honey can be the top note in a perfume,
But in the end we all have toes and feet of clay.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day Seventy-nine

Today's words:

The bell
Rang to change classes. I pushed the button
On my computer and sucked on the straw
Of my soda to finish it. Off to gym
Class. And then math. I've got my calculator.
Can't wait for tonight's dance.

And when Robby comes to pick me up for the dance,
My mom will answer the doorbell.
It doesn't take a calculator
To know which button
To push there. Later, in the gym,
We'll sip punch through a straw.

Looks like I drew the short straw
Here. There'll be no dance
For me. A sprained ankle in gym
Today will keep me away. When I heard the bell
Ring I jumped up but didn't land on the button.
Guess my mental calculator

Wasn't quite working. Robby's calculator
Was working, however. He drew a long straw.
When he saw me fall, he pulled out his phone and pushed the button.
He was still going to that dance,
Just not with me. He thought he'd been saved by the bell.
He didn't know what was going to happen in that gym.

When the smoke started to fill the gym.
One of the teachers tried to use a calculator
To figure out what to do. Then the fire alarm bell
Went off and a bale of straw
That had been a decoration caught fire. The dance
Turned to panic. People pounded on the exit button

To get out, but the doors were locked. The button
Was stuck. The gym
Became a pyre for the dance
Attendees. I totaled the damages on my calculator.
The building went up like straw.
And the alarm bell

Was too late. I pushed the equal button on my calculator,
Glad I hadn't made it to the gym, glad I'd drawn the short straw
And missed the dance. In a way, I was saved by the bell.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day Seventy-eight

Today's words:

"To worry" is a verb,
And that's what I was doing as I stood in the parlor
With this supposed "interior decorator"
A friend had suggested.  His breath reeked of garlic
And his heart seemed made of stone,
But his baby-

Smooth face suggested cosmetic surgery. "Baby,"
He'd said to me, "I don't just decorate. I prefer a stronger verb,
"Like inspire." I was feeling as inspired as a stone
As I stood in the parlor
Listening to the garlic-
Scented ravings of this decorator.

I hadn't even wanted to hire a decorator,
But after I lost the baby,
Friends thought it would cheer me up. But now the smell of garlic
Was making me ill. I think "to nauseate" would be the correct verb.
Now he's suggesting we paint the parlor
"The color of a lovely volcanic stone,"

Whatever that means. Still, I was feeling less like a stone.
At least I'll give this decorator
That. His nuttiness as he discussed his ideas for my parlor
Made me feel something I hadn't felt since losing the baby.
In fact I hadn't really felt anything since then. I don't know what verb
Could be used to describe it, and despite his garlic-

Infused breath I was suddenly hungry. I used to love to cook with garlic,
But since then everything had tasted like stone. 
Was "to grieve" the correct verb
To explain what I'd been doing? If so, perhaps this decorator
Had jostled me out of the grief I'd been carrying since the baby
Died. And the miscarriage had started right in this parlor,

Which is why I'd thought to redo the parlor
In the first place. The garlic
Odor had dissipated some. "Baby,"
He said, turning towards me, "Not even a stone
"Could be unmoved by this. Remember, I'm not a decorator -
"I inspire!" But I had another verb

In mind, yet I agreed to paint my parlor a stone
Color and went along with the garlic-scented decorator,
If only to get my mind off the baby and go back to being an active verb.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Day Seventy-seven

Today's words:

And in today's Farm
News, Game
Of Thrones is back! Better turn up the thermostat,
There's a cold blast coming from the north. But don't skip the dance
Because of it! We all really hope
You'll turn out.  Turn over a new leaf

And start socializing more. Looks like the tobacco leaf
Bug will be reappearing on the farm
This spring, but we still hope
Not. It's not a game
Keeping these insects at bay, and the delicate dance
We perform to do so will push anyone's thermostat

Up. Some people use a thermostat
To predict the emergence of the tobacco leaf
Bug. It's like a dance - 
The bug likes a cool spring on the farm
But too cold temps put it off its game.
So we just have to hope

That it stays cold and hope
The thermostat
Stays low. The playoff game
Is next week and it looks like that leaf
The team took off the farm
Will get them into the dance.

Don't you wish we could just dance
Our problems away? Let's all hope
For a good season on the farm.
Between the thermostat
And the tobacco leaf
Bug, this game

Isn't fun any more. After the big game
There will be a dance
At the Lions Club hall. Pull a cabbage leaf
Out of your wallet and support our teams, who all hope
You'll turn out. Just set your thermostat
Before leaving the farm.

Should be a great game. And that's today's news from Hope,
Arkansas. Looking forward to that dance, especially if the thermostat
Cooperates in keeping the tobacco leaf bug off the farm.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day Seventy-six

Today's words:

I got an awful sunburn
From waiting outside for a glimpse of the Prince,
But all I saw a was a cow
The color
Of sand. I may as well have stayed inside contemplating my navel.
That's my secret vice.

And that would also be my advice
To you: Avoid sunburn,
Gaze at your navel.
It's more likely to tell you something than is a prince
Who'll only color
Your dreams. You might as well talk to a cow.

But the cow
Is practically perfect. It has no vice
That we know of; evil thoughts don't color
Its ambitions and its skin doesn't sunburn.
Stay away from that prince
Who worships only his own navel.

And from my navel
I felt heat radiating outwards. Krishna had a cow,
And is a prince.
He does, however, know vice.
Does blue skin sunburn?
Or does its color

Protect it? What is the color
Of his navel?
Does he even have one? And can it sunburn?
That's why the cow is sacred.
It keeps vice
Away from the prince

Of peace, the prince
Of the color
Blue. It's not a vice
To meditate on one's navel.
Sit in the shade next to the cow
And you'll avoid a sunburn.

As the Prince contemplated his navel,
The blue color of the sky spread to the cow,
Saving it from the vice of sunburn.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Day Seventy-five

Today's words:

I've seen what that drug
Can do to people. Usually it starts in a bar -
No news
There - and then they're tightening their belt
Around their arm, to hide behind the curtain
Of a heroin haze, punctuated only by the drum

Beat of their own pulse. That sound of a drum,
Punching through the effects of the drug,
Tearing back the curtain,
Woke him up in a seedy bar
With no memory of how he got there, or what had become of his belt.
He looked up at the TV. On the news

They were saying there is a new strain on the streets. The news
Is it's more powerful than previous ones, and goes by the name "Drum"
Because of the sound people hear. He downed a belt
Of whiskey, coming out of the drug-
Induced haze, taking in the seediness of the bar,
Including the filthy curtain

Over the window. He went to the window and drew back the curtain.
The news
Crew was right outside. Apparently this was the bar
Where the whole "Drum"
Epidemic had begun. So who gave him this drug?
He looked down, and saw his belt

On the floor. He picked up the belt,
Releasing the curtain.
He still wondered who'd given him the drug,
But was glad he hadn't made the news
As a "Drum"
Casualty. he went back to the bar

And sat down. A man at the other end of the bar
Was eyeing him and his belt.
Was this the "Drum"
Dealer? On the other side of the curtain
The news
Crew was packing up. Today's drug

Story was over. He sipped his drink, hiding behind the curtain
Of liquor. He ordered another belt and looked away from the news.
The drum beat had stopped once his system had eliminated the drug.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Day Seventy-four

Today's words:
Tea pot

The tea pot
Was nearly empty. Time to leave to catch the ferry.
I felt like an anxious parent,
Trying to persuade a child to eat cabbage
At dinner. I guess it's a story of the tail
Wagging the dog, or a false prophet,

Predicting disaster. Like that prophet,
No-one listens to me. I put away the tea pot
And tucked in the tail
Of my shirt as I got ready to leave for the ferry.
Tonight I'm making stuffed cabbage
For my surviving parent,

My mother. My dad died when I was a baby; Mom is the only parent
I've ever known, really. She's always been a prophet, 
Forecasting my life and teaching me to cook cabbage.
We'll sit at the kitchen table around the tea pot
And chat when she arrives, after taking the ferry
To where I live now, at the tail

End of the line. But I'm getting ahead of myself, telling the tail
End of the story first. I'm nervous about cooking for my parent, 
And about her taking the ferry
By herself. I can be a prophet
Too; I'll wager that our tea pot
Chat will revolve around how I'm cooking the cabbage.

Mine probably won't turn out exactly like her cabbage,
And I hope she'll like it. The cat winds its tail
Around my leg, trying to keep me home, near the tea pot.
I have no human children; I'm a cat parent.
I sometimes think my cat is a prophet;
It knows exactly what I'm going to do, but now I'm off to the ferry.

I arrived just in time. I'd hate to have missed it - the ferry
Only runs once an hour. I hope I'll find some good cabbage
At the market. I'm no prophet
About the market. On the deck I look at the sky, where a mare's tail
Cloud seems to be leading the boat, like a parent
Leads a child across a street. Perhaps I'll buy a new tea pot

As well. Afterwards, I took the ferry back to the tail
End of the line, ready to cook the cabbage for my parent,
And prepared for the words of the prophet around the new tea pot.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Day Seventy-three

Today's words:

Time is a leech,
Sucking the blood of youth and replacing it with the lemon
Juice of old age. Time to take that namaste feeling off the mat
And stop listening to the drum
Of your ego.
You can't store

Time; it's use it or lose it, and my store
Of patience is at an end. I'd like to leech
A bit of pride from your ego
And apply it to mine, like a squirt of lemon
Juice on a salad, or a drum
Roll in a crescendo - just adding to what's already on the mat.

Now roll up your mat
And store
It away. Listen to the drum
Beat of your pulse. Don't let anxiety leech
Away your self-confidence on this lemon-
Yellow day. Listen to your ego

For once. Yes, I know I said to ignore your ego
Before, but that was back in practice, on the mat.
Now you need it, like you need a lemon
To brighten certain flavors. Let's go to the store
And see if we can find one. It's like applying a leech
To draw out a poison. The beat of the drum

Will help you to focus, while I softly drum
My fingers on your temples to ease your ego
And leech
Out stress. Now lie back on your mat
For savasana. What's in store
Next is a glass of water with a squirt of lemon.

The lemon
Will help purify your body, while the drum
Will help release the tension you store
In your ego.
This time on the mat
Acts as a leech

For the sour lemon ego
Toxins, while the sound of the drum allows you to relax on your mat
As I store away the leech.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day Seventy-two

Today's words:

The VFW parade
Was sad; everyone marching had been on a pension
Since the last century. In the lead
Was a general, followed by a group in a pyramid
Formation. These men had courage
However, and I was proud to watch them, without my umbrella

Even though it was raining. I'd left my umbrella
At home as I ran out to watch the parade
Go by. It takes more than just courage
To get by on a pension
These days. Building a pyramid
Can seem easier, or turning lead

Into gold. Even though the sky was the color of lead
I left my umbrella
Behind and now it was raining. The men formed a human pyramid
As the parade
Drew to a close. Even on a pension
They remained agile and full of courage.

I screwed up my courage
And asked the general in the lead
How he got by on his pension.
"How do you get by without an umbrella
In the rain?" he responded, looking at the other men in the parade.
"You just do. It's like building a pyramid,

"One stone at a time. But just as a pyramid
"Is a tomb, so it takes a lot of courage
"To come out here on parade."
My heart sank like lead.
Here I was, worrying about an umbrella,
When I wasn't trying to survive on a measly pension.

After these men's service no pension
Would ever be adequate compensation. It's like a pyramid
Scheme. These men had been an umbrella,
Shielding us. Because of their courage
We could lead
Our happy, insouciant lives and admire them on parade.

A pension is no recompense for the courage
It takes to support the pyramid of our society, as we lead
Lives under the umbrella of soldiers on parade.