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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day Two

Today's words:


"That's it," he said, sticking a pin
Into the map, covering another flag.
"My next destination. I wonder what creature
"Would travel so far?" He chomped the cucumber
Pickle and took a swig of mulberry
Juice as he prepared for another morning.

"I know one morning
"I'll wake up deflated, like a balloon with a pin
"Stuck in it. But until then this mulberry
"Will protect me, as I collect a new flag."
She kept her head down, concentrating on the cucumber
Salad and feeling on earth the loneliest creature.

She longed to be as important a creature
To him, on this or any other morning,
As even the lowly cucumber.
His indifference pricked her like a pin
And she felt her will begin to flag.
She too reached for the mulberry.

Just like Van Gogh's Mulberry
Tree speaks of great distress as a creature
Touched by madness, so his quest for yet another flag
Seemed one more way to prevent her, or the morning,
From getting to pin
Him down, like a canapéed cucumber.

The morning light was soft, and cucumber
Green, while the leaves of the mulberry
Tree were turning. Soon she would pin
A leaf above the door, a creature
To keep sentry until that morning
When he'd return with yet another flag.

Why did he need to seek another flag?
She might as well ask a cucumber
Why it needed the cool of the morning
Dew, or act as if the mulberry
Would flinch if she attacked it with a pin.

And when he's hung his new flag from the top of the mulberry
She'll remain as silent as a cucumber or other mute creature,
Knowing that one morning she will be the one to place the pin.

Comment: Yep, those sure are random words.

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