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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Day 138

Today's words:


Finally watching Homeland on Netflix. Don't want to cheat,
But it's a bore.  This woman walks around with a laptop in her briefcase,
And she works for the CIA or something, fighting terror for the USA.
But mostly we just see her curl
Up in a ball, or scream.
We also see her use her toothbrush

A lot.  It's an electric toothbrush.
Good to know she doesn't cheat
On brushing her teeth.  She does scream
A lot, though.  Don't know what else is in her briefcase.
Once I saw her try to curl
Her hair, because I guess that's important in the USA.

There are other people who work with her for the USA,
But we don't ever see them use a toothbrush
Or curl their hair
(They're mostly men). Some of them try to cheat
The government. Everyone's got a briefcase
But she's the only one who get to scream

So much. I guess having her scream
All the time is supposed to show us how much she loves the USA.
Whatever.  And that laptop in her briefcase
Looks like some armored indestructible version, like her toothbrush.
And then she'll defy her bosses and cheat
And then curl up in a ball.

Sometimes she'll curl
Up and scream
When she's really been a cheat.
But of course she's doing all this for the USA
Because terrorists will take away our toothbrush
Privileges.  She'll slip the laptop back in the briefcase

And walk away. If she ever lost her briefcase
I'm sure she'd curl
Up around her toothbrush
And scream
Because the USA
Could fall into the hands of another cheat.

And that's pretty much the plot summary: briefcase, scream,
Curl up, bless the USA,
Use the toothbrush, cheat.

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