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Friday, June 27, 2014

Day 116

Today's words:


Frowning at his compass,
The journalist
Tightened his belt.
There was no remedy
At hand for crawling down a manhole
Before sunrise.

Is always in the east. Except when the compass
Says otherwise. But why should it do so? Did it fall down a manhole?
Only a journalist
Could make one think otherwise. As if there's a remedy
For one belt

Too many. But that's not my belt.
I need to be up by sunrise
And I know there's no remedy
For too much drink. My internal compass
Will keep me sane and keep me from speaking to a journalist
Because I know better. I'm not going down that manhole.

And what exactly did you find down that manhole?
An abandoned belt?
I'm just asking questions of the journalist
Because, come sunrise,
We'll all be in need of a compass,
Because true north never changes and that's a remedy.

A remedy
For falling down a manhole
Because that is a great fear, except we rely on our internal compass.
I always wear a belt
To help someone in that position. I'd do it at sunrise
And without a journalist.

I am so glad I'm not a journalist,
Because those people pretend they've got a remedy
For life. But every sunrise
Proves them wrong. It's like thinking a manhole
Can tell you something, or a belt
Can act as a compass.

In the end the journalist crawled down the manhole,
But he found no remedy there, and took his belt
To whip the sunrise into shape and fix the compass.

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